Video Gallery

  • Snakes of Sunderbans with Subtitles – Created by JSSC (2005)

    Snakes of Sunderbans with Subtitles – Created by JSSC (2005)
  • Dr. Binayak Sen delivering speech at Doctors Protest Rally in Kolkata on August 21st, 2015

    Dr. Binayak Sen delivering speech at Doctors Protest Rally in Kolkata on August 21st, 2015
  • Niharika is a charitable trust CIDAW (Child In Distress And We) – Established 2001

    Niharika is a charitable trust CIDAW (Child In Distress And We) – Established 2001

Past News & Events

Online SSU Magazines

Oct-2023 (6.4 MB)

Oct-2022 (7.5 MB)

Oct-2021 (5.2 MB)

Oct-2019 (6.5 MB)

Apr-2019 (5 MB)

For old issues, click on magazines

Excerpts from magazine issues (2012 to 2015) [Editorials, Interviews, Homage, Obituaries etc.]

SSU Minutes of the Meetings


For past meetings, click on Meetings

Exciting News

Where to find Natural Organic Food
(No insecticides. No GMO)
Get them from ‘Bishmukto Hat’, 'Krishi Chakra', ‘Prakritik’ and
'Bio Diverse Farming Pvt Ltd'

A few Interesting  News

Bolsa familia and India-July 2012

Tebhaga-June 15, 2016

Open Letter to Chhattisgarh High Court for Saibal Jana - May 8, 2016

Bagrakote-WB Tea Gardens-Continued Hunger- Mar 8, 2016

Marichjhapi Massacre-1979

Explore News I and News II from the main menu for news on Health, Agriculture, People and many other topics.
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