Enlightenment against darkness through education
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Chanu (Iron) Sharmila - "the world's longest hunger striker"
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Soni Sori: India's fearless tribal activist - the brave heart of South Bastar, Chattishgarh
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International solidarity to movement against Kudankulam Nuclear Plant
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Empowerment of women through improvement of health, nutrition and economic status
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Long March against anti - peasant Land Acquisition Bill
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Rising students’ movement against intolerance, patriarchy and autocracy
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No to disastrous Nuclear Power
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Politicians having a meeting about Global Warming.
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Mass resistance against religious terror and assassination of free thinkers
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Vibrant India
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Neglected children: the future of the nation
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Seasonal rain dependent agriculture – the main economy of 1.3 billion Indians
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No to Monsanto - GMOs: Don't grow them, don't sell them, don't buy them!
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Nepal Earthquake 2015
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Our partner

Bigyan Anneswak
A Progressive Science Organisation
(Click above to find all the past events and magazines published)

A few Books of Interest

Bharater Rajnaitik Itihas (Part 2) - Feb. 2020 Bharater Rajnaitik Itihas (Part 1) - Mar. 2017 (Cover of the book) (Above two books were published by SSU)
Snakebites and Treatments   A booklet published by Institute of Health and Family Welfare, WB - 2016 WB Primary Healthcare Facility-Book-2017 A booklet on Primary Healthcare Facility in WB - 2017 Who was Sivaji? A fascinating eye-opener book by Govind Pansare One Straw Revolution - Natural Farming Masanobu Fukuoka has been developing a method of natural farming which could help to reverse the degenerative momentum of modern agriculture. Disaster Management Module-2014 Disaster Management for Medical Officers - AILA, devastating cyclones, massive tidal waves and widespread floods. WB Primary Healthcare - Jan 2011 |Healthcare facilities available in WB is below the minimum level. Snakebite Management Book for Medical Officers - 2014 Grossly under reporting on snakebite cases and deaths due to poisonous snakebites in South 24 Parganas. More Books...

Swasthya Siksha Unnayan

Swasthya Siksha Unnayan (Health, Education and Development) is the organ of pro-people initiatives, creativities and movements mainly on health, education, development, science, culture and environment. It focuses its main activities in West Bengal and other states of Eastern and North – Eastern India. It tries and vows for study, analyze, research, contribute, support, share, participate, co-ordinate, develop and enrich these pro-people events for better outcome and impact on livelihood, entitlement and aspiration of the people with special attribute to down trodden, underprivileged, neglected, marginalized and challenged population.

It publishes a tri-monthly magazine in Bengali language both as hard copy and e-version and also time to time publishes popular publications on important classical and contemporary pertinent subjects.

It fights and facilities for universal health and education coverage; food, employment, life insurance and pension guarantee for elderly persons; emancipation of women, dalits, adivasis, refugees, destitute and minorities as well as vows and pledges for essential eco-friendly low-cost high yield inclusive and sustainable agriculture, industry and development.

SSU Magagine First Editorial-Sep 2011


Read about some people we admire. But they are no longer with us. Some select Obituaries.

Now have a little laugh and then start thinking about those admirable people and see what you can do. Of course enjoy the Cartoons too.

Past News & Events

Online SSU Magazines

Oct-2024 (9.2 MB)

Oct-2023 (6.4 MB)

Oct-2022 (7.5 MB)

Oct-2021 (5.2 MB)

Oct-2019 (6.5 MB)

Apr-2019 (5 MB)

For old issues, click on magazines

Excerpts from magazine issues (2012 to 2015) [Editorials, Interviews, Homage, Obituaries etc.]

SSU Minutes of the Meetings


For past meetings, click on Meetings

Exciting News

Where to find Natural Organic Food
(No insecticides. No GMO)
Get them from ‘Bishmukto Hat’, 'Krishi Chakra', ‘Prakritik’ and
'Bio Diverse Farming Pvt Ltd'

A few Interesting  News

Bolsa familia and India-July 2012

Tebhaga-June 15, 2016

Open Letter to Chhattisgarh High Court for Saibal Jana - May 8, 2016

Bagrakote-WB Tea Gardens-Continued Hunger- Mar 8, 2016

Marichjhapi Massacre-1979

Explore News I and News II from the main menu for news on Health, Agriculture, People and many other topics.
More News...


Do not judge me by my successes. Judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.

Dr. Nelson Mandela

Human rights are those minimum rights that the individual needs to have against the state or other p

Dr. Binayak Sen

More Quotations...


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We will update these with time to keep you updated wit current affairs.

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